Elevate Your Professional Skills with Our Online Biofeedback and Psychophysiology Education and Mentoring

Degree and Certificate Programs

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CE Courses for Certification

Optimal Functioning: Sports, Education, Business and the Military

The Optimal Functioning Program offers a tailored approach to enhance performance for professionals working with individuals in sports, education, business, and the military.

Leveraging the latest in applied psychophysiology and neuroscience, this program combines neurofeedback, stress management, and performance coaching to enhance cognitive function, emotional resilience, and physical stamina. It's designed to help participants excel by improving focus, reducing anxiety, and optimizing decision-making. Whether your client is an athlete, student, professional, or military personnel, our program is your pathway to not just meet, but exceed, the demands of your field. Embark on a transformative journey with us and unlock your full potential, where achieving optimal functioning is both your goal and your reality.

Learn at your pace, from anywhere in the world

Our comprehensive educational offerings, including both courses and training, are exclusively provided through distance education. Participants who successfully complete the core courses will be awarded the Certificate of Professional Studies in Clinical Psychophysiology.

Our programs are designed for flexible home study, complemented by interactive email discussions following the completion of each unit. Course materials are delivered via an engaging series of PowerPoint lectures accessible directly from our website, alongside carefully selected reading assignments that complement the lecture content. After engaging with the lecture and completing the readings, participants will complete a concise set of review questions. Responses are submitted to the instructor via email, setting the stage for a detailed email chat to discuss the unit based on the instructor's assessment of your answers.

Upon successfully completing each course, participants will be awarded Continuing Education (CE) credits along with a course certificate. It is important to note that these courses offer continuing education credits and are not accredited university courses. The Behavioral Medicine Research and Training Foundation is recognized by the American Psychological Association as an authorized provider of continuing education for psychologists.

Mentoring for BCIA Certification and Consulting Research

Order this service at a rate of $50.00 per 20 minutes of mentoring ($150.00 per hour). Enter the number of 20 minute sessions you wish to pay for at this time.

Explore Our Comprehensive Mentoring Program:

  • BCIA Certified Mentors: Receive expert guidance from accredited professionals.

  • Specialized Areas: Includes general biofeedback, pelvic floor dysfunction biofeedback, and EEG biofeedback/neurofeedback.

  • Flexible Learning: Engage with your mentor via web, email, and phone at times that work for you.

  • Hands-On Training: Start with real-time, webcam-supported sessions for practical learning.

  • Tailored Support: Transition to email for personalized case management and intervention planning.

  • No Hidden Costs: Pay only for the time spent directly interacting with your mentor.

  • Broad Accessibility: Suitable for educators, coaches, and pre-license clinicians, with or without medical patients, counting towards BCIA certification.

  • Disclosure: The Department of Defense and the Department of the Army are neither affiliated with nor endorses this organization.

For more information about our mentoring services or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us.