Our Commitment to Enhancing Healthcare Practices and Optimal Functioning

The Behavioral Medicine Research and Training Foundation is a Non-profit Scientific and Educational Organization created in 2000 by Dr. Richard Sherman, a well-known and respected professional in the field of biofeedback for over 50 years.

The Foundation supports continuing education of licensed and certified clinicians from all health care fields such as: medicine, nursing, psychology and counseling, physical and occupational therapy, and social work in order to assist these clinicians in incorporating behavioral medicine techniques into their practice.

Board Members and Instructors

  • Dr. Richard Sherman

    Director and Board President


  • Dr. Cynthia Kerson

    Board Vice-President and Instructor

  • Dr. Brian Imber

    Board Treasurer

  • Dr. Jerry DeVore

    Board Member and Instructor

  • Dr. Silvia Wetherell

    Board Member

  • Phoebe Manalang

    Board Member

  • Linda Walker

    Board Member

  • Dr. Eric Willmarth

    Board Member

  • Dr. Paul Lehrer


Much of the clinical research in behavioral medicine is problematic because many of the clinicians performing behavioral medicine interventions have had little training in accepted methods of clinical research and have limited access to the current medical literature. The generally poor quality of the small pilot studies which constitute the bulk of work in behavioral medicine has resulted in reluctance of established agencies to support larger demonstration projects. This, in turn, prevents the fledgling researchers from gaining experience in using accepted techniques.

The Foundation hopes to promulgate performance of high quality studies in behavioral medicine in several ways:

The Foundation provides consultation on experimental design and analysis of clinical data to clinicians who wish to perform studies utilizing behavioral medicine techniques.


The Foundation offers a course in clinical research design specifically developed to meet the needs of clinicians whose practices center on behavioral medicine.

The Foundation offers unpaid research fellowships to clinicians who need an affiliation to serve as the central focus of their efforts. The Foundation gives fellowship status to students in our program who are actively pursing research in applied psychophysiology. The Foundation provides administrative support for grants, etc., project review by our Human Use Committee, and advice on research design and analysis.

Research Grants


The Foundation is actively soliciting contributions of funds and useable biofeedback equipment in support of its program.

Funds will be used to (1) support research, (2) help defray tuition costs for professionals from disadvantaged minorities, (3) purchase essential psychophysiological training equipment, and (4) develop internet based courses.

Donated biofeedback equipment can be used as a tax deduction. It will be loaned to students who want to perform research in biofeedback but can not afford their own equipment.