Close-up of a person with short, spiky black and blonde hair, wearing a black top and a delicate necklace, standing against a light-colored wall.

Phoebe Manalang - Monnier, MSFM, ND, QRA, CNC, PhD

Phoebe has been in the fitness and wellness industry for over 35 years. This has led her to continue her passion in creating her consulting company, Daywaneti and the concept of S.H.I.F.T. – a Mind-Body-Spirit pathway towards optimal health. Starting as an aerobics instructor at 16 she followed her passion for health and wellness. Her journey includes training as a personal trainer, regional director, marketing director, consultant, entrepreneur, quantum nutritional coach, naturopath, and sports and fitness manager; all driven by her passion of impacting as many people as she can. Phoebe has dedicated her life to the pursuit of pushing the frontier of the fitness and wellness industry by integrating the importance of spirituality and the belief of getting to the root of symptoms and mindsets, as the pathway towards optimal health. Currently she is focused on finishing her PhD in Applied Psychophysiology at Saybrook University, focusing on respiratory health and conditioning. Daywaneti, is currently working on two transformational social change projects in the divested areas of Chicago. These projects bring health, wellness, and applied psychophysiology services to high-risk populations through established local non-profit organizations. Phoebe’s core mission is to repackage the conversations surrounding Mind-Body medicine to include spiritual health so that people can achieve an optimal state of holistic being. Her passion is to elevate the health of society by supporting and continuing to conduct research, and to create accessible spaces between existing validated technology, methods, and services in the field of health and wellness and the general public. She is married and is a mother of two adults in progress and lives between Chicago, IL and Marseille, France.